Bonus Case Study 6 – Dynamic Vibration Absorber

Hello Everyone,

Due to positive feedback from our previous 5 case studies series this is our bonus case study brought to you with the Reliability Training Institute. If you have missed any of the previous case studies, they can be found on my LinkedIn profile, Seasoned Analyst blog and on the RMS Website.

Please like, follow, and share for more content.

This case study is a lot longer at over 34 minutes. Here we cover a 2-year project period from initial root cause diagnosis to designing, trialling, and implementing an innovative cost-effective solution.

These case studies are to support my book (The Con Mon Bible) ‘Enhanced System Reliability Through Vibration Technology’ and my new role as an RMS Trainer with the RMS Reliability Training Institute.

Many thanks to Dr Jezdimir Knezevic from MIRCE Science for his enlightening discussion (and MIRCE Science) and to Dean and Stuart at RMS for all their support.

This case study and more can also be viewed on the RMS Blog.

CBM Conference Manchester, UK 7-9 October 2019

A profitable plant is reliable, safe and a cost-effectively maintained plant.

The Seasoned Analyst

CBM Conference 2019 UK

I presented at my first Conference, and it was the first CBM Conference in the UK. It was well worth attending as I got to discuss various challenges in the condition monitoring and reliability sector, and the most common discussion point was buying from senior management and how to continually highlight the benefits of a condition monitoring program.

In addition there were vendors there demonstrating the latest advancements in condition motioning technology from vibration online and walk around, thermal imaging safety, ultrasound new high sampling rates time waveform analysis to motor electrical condition monitoring.

More information can be found here on the conferences and this web site is great for condition monitoring information

My Presentation was on a case study solving a reliability issue at a pumping station by designing and using a Dynamic Vibration Absorber. You can download the presentation below.

And these are the videos in the presentation.

Slide 23: Side by Side Comparison
Slide 24: Bed Plate
Slide 25: Upside down base plate
Slide 32: Live Speed
Slide 33: Slow Motion

If you do get the opportunity to attend a CBM or Reliability conference I fully encourage it.

A profitable plant is reliable, safe and a cost-effectively maintained plant.

The Seasoned Analyst