During an asset assessment survey of a Pump Set we detected an anomaly in the vibration data.
This is a ‘Brook Crompton Parkinson’ motor D112 Frame, 2865 RPM, 50Hz 3 Phase, 415V 4.9A with and integral ‘APE-Lee Howl Limited’ pump end.
Image 1 is of the pump set, this is a circulation pump for a water system.
Image 1:

Using experience, the human sense and the vibration data the conclusion was that there is a flow related issue.
Vibration Data:
Figure 1 is the Autocorrelation of the pump end PeakVue data in a circular plot.
Fig 1:

This data shows the abnormal ‘wobble’ operation of the pump and that for each revolution there are three restrictions in the motion.
On visual inspection of the pump system it was found that the pump supply valve was closed. This was opened and water was then allowed thought the pump.
Follow up Vibration:
Figure 2 is the same PeakVue data as before but now with the pump system in its correct operational state.

This data now shows the smooth circular motion of the pump.
This case study brings a few things to mind
- The most important part of any program is the person performing the data collection and analysis
- When all else fails, leave the air conditioning, and go examine the operating equipment. Go look, touch, feel, smell and listen to the machinery
A profitable plant is reliable, safe and a cost-effectively maintained plant