What’s the highest Acceleration levels on Gears you have recorded?

What’s the highest Acceleration levels on Gears you have recorded?

Apologies for the lack of posts over the month, it’s been a very busy time with the family.

This post is a short one just inquiring what levels of Acceleration impacting you have seen in the field from a gear set. This is one I came across a couple of months ago.



  • Vibration data was collected with FMax of 10 KHz and Sample rate of 32,768.
  • The shaft rotates at 2990 RPM.
  • The gears are small and both have 65 teeth, their function is to transfer drive to an oil pump in a gearbox.
  • We recorded a Peak to Peak of 51.67 G’s compared to another identical asset running at 9.176 G’s.
  • Two weeks later the gears had a functional failure and stopped doing what they’re were designed to do.



Vibration Data:

This is the 1.3 Second Acceleration Time waveform comparing the suspect unit and an identical unit.



Images of Gears after Functional Failure:

Images of the gears on inspection.



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